Low Voltage Direct Current Distribution System in Civil Buildings: Research and Dissemination of a Design Standard

Low Voltage Direct Current Distribution System in Civil Buildings: Research and Dissemination of a Design Standard
In November 2021, with support from Energy Foundation China, Shenzhen Institute of Building Research completed this report providing analysis for a new design standard for low voltage direct current power (LVDC) distribution system in residential and other non-industrial public buildings, as well as summarizing promotion activities for building electrification.
With focus on the scientific evidence for the LVDC design standard, the report first defines PEDF buildings, a new building power system, which integrates solar photovoltaics, energy storage, high efficiency direct current power, and flexible load, for renewable-powered buildings. Then it explains how the buildings can implement such power distribution. Based on demonstration projects and other research findings, the report proposes the design requirements and quantitative indices for building LVDC distribution system, laying a solid foundation for a new design standard that can accelerate building electrification.